New York City has thirteen public golf courses in five boroughs. Although the fees at these courses are considerably below that of privately run facilities, challenging economic conditions, have made it more difficult for families to introduce their youngsters to the game of golf. Our aim is to open access to golf facilities, improve those facilities, sponsor new programs, and cultivate a new generation of golfers who will enjoy the benefits of the game including improved physical and mental health, honesty, ethics, fellowship, self-discipline, team play, fairness and self-reliance.


  • We are partnering with the Bergen Beach Youth Organization to allow children to access Marine Park Golf Course during their Summer Camp season for group instruction and recreation. Bergen Beach also assisted in registering the Course as a work-site for the Summer Youth Employment Program and has placed interns at this location.

  • We are developing curriculum units and materials for use in instructional programs. This includes arranging for half and full day school field trips to the Marine Park Golf Course where we provide guided tours and beginning instruction.

  • We have purchased and received donated golf equipment for use in our youth programs.

  • We have built a program to accommodate school Public School Athletic League (PSAL) golf teams with instruction, practice and match play activity.


    In the summers of 2018 we developed and managed the, first ever in Brooklyn, PGA Junior (instructional) League for 35 youngsters. In the summer of 2019, we doubled the number of youngsters participating in this six week program to 70. Working with the Bergen Beach Youth Organization, who identified the youngsters, provided counselors and transportation, BGA raised sufficient funds to allow participation at no cost. BGA also provided a PGA “carded” pro as group Captain, as well as ten volunteers to assist with the instruction and supervision.


As a result of similar economic conditions described above, senor citizens are also often cut-off from utilizing their leisure time pursuing golf activity. Our aim is to make the game more affordable and accessible to the substantial population of older adults in the Borough.  We do this by collecting and redistributing donated golf equipment such as clubs, bags and balls to allow seniors to access and enjoy the golfing experience. Through our website, we also publicize special events and rates offered to seniors at local golf courses.


We will reach out to other underrepresented populations such as Brooklyn’s emerging ethnic groups and women to provide visibility, instruction and tournament play.